
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

One year ago

One year ago, I was packing up my things to move to Toronto. The Big City! Shiny lights, flashing cars and all that jazz. I was leaving behind Peterborough, my home of four years, my only home in Canada. But my time had come to leave, and I was moving on to bigger and better things.

How Canadian is this picture?
When I first moved here, I was terrified! I knew almost no one, where back in Peterborough I couldn't cross the street without seeing someone I knew. My boyfriend and I moved right downtown- just off of Yonge street, in fact. Too many people! All the time! It took some getting used to, but I love it! I love the hustle and bustle, the big huuuge streets, the late nightness of everything. I drove a car for the first time in Toronto yesterday, and it really hit me: I love this city. I love being here; I love being right in the middle of things.

Huge buildings!
I've been in Toronto a year!! Here's to many more years!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Things I love Thursday

What a week!

I've been working like crazy at my job- pulling 9-10 hour shifts can tire a gal out! That being said, I've kept myself really busy otherwise! Tonight, I'll be baking some chocolate chip cookies and other goodies in preparation for my birthday party tomorrow. My sister is coming to visit as well, and I just can't wait to see her!

Fabulous graffiti in Toronto

Things I'm loving this week:
-Trips to Canada's Wonderland
-Fireworks and rollercoasters
-Planning my birthday party! I can't wait for all my friends to meet each other!
-Laughing about everything and anything with Luke
-Letters from dear friends and family
-Random phone calls from busy friends
-Stuffing with gravy for supper!!
-Treats from work (toffee is the bestest!)
-Hugs from coworkers
-New clothes! It's been years since I've bought new's quite exciting!
-Long walks at night
-THIS SONG: I can't stop listening!

What's amazing this week for you?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Chocolate and rainy days

I'm still settling into my new job- I've been there for almost three weeks now! It's such a great feeling after you start a new job, and everything all of a sudden makes sense. You know, the first few days of work you feel like you're not quite sure what to do, or where things are, or the names of your fellow coworkers. The past few shifts I've really felt like I know what I'm doing (for the most part: I still have LOTS to learn!).

I LOVE this job! I walk in, and it smells like chocolate. All of my coworkers are really friendly, and the hours just fly by. We work long hours in the chocolate room, but it's worth it. Every day, I feel a really great sense of accomplishment. I love working with my hands, and seeing all the people eating the chocolate I've helped to make feels really rewarding. Our store is where people come to escape, to enjoy a day off from work. Little kids press their faces up against the window to watch what we're doing, and parents snap pictures. I guess I should add that I work in a kitchen with a large beautiful glass window so that customers can see what we are doing. I love it- it makes me feel like I'm on stage!

It's really exciting that I'm doing something that I really enjoy.

Here's a quick little snap of some of the chocolates we make:

And they are delicious.

What's your favorite thing about your job?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

San Francisco

After a quick and sleepless trip in San Francisco, I'm back!

I had such a great time in San Francisco. Everything is at the top of a hill. Or at a pier. My friend and I walked everywhere- even to the Golden Gate bridge!

I took far too many pictures of far too many amazing things! My friend and I spent most of our time pausing to take pictures. Most of our walks took longer than anticipated, because there was always another cool view that needed documentation.

The most exciting part? Going to see all the chocolate that San Francisco had to offer! I bought myself a dark chocolate and bacon bar, much to the consternation of my travel buddies. We also stopped in at TCHO, which is a bean to bar factory that offered tours. Sadly, we missed a tour but we got to pose in front!

Mid jump!
San Francisco was gorgeous. I loved all the differently coloured buildings (you know me, I love colour) against the backdrop of spring sky.

  • Going to a garlic themed restaurant called The Stinking Rose and eating as much garlic as possible! Including garlic ice cream!
  • Spending two days just walking everywhere and exploring all the tourist things, and then having the rest of the time to relax
  • Seeing some plays in Union square put on by acting students/volunteers
  • Going to The Cheesecake Factory...twice. We first went for some Big Bang Theory street cred and then learned that it was delicious!
  • Our hostel, The Adelaide. Highly recommended!! Everyone that works there is really friendly, and there's a great big common area where we met tons of neat people from all over the world
  • Riding a cable car!
Here are a few of my favorite shots from the trip!

Palm trees <3

Thalia + pink building = happiness!

Sourdough starters... for sale. In pouches.

The crookedest street!

Warning: HILL

On our walk to the Golden Gate Bridge

I love succulents and always have to take pictures!

The Golden Gate Bridge!

What would a post be without a picture of cheesecake?  

I'm really glad I was able to take a week to explore this fantastic city. I fell in love, and I hope I return someday!

Have you travelled anywhere lately?